How Are You Showing Up in Business?

I had the good fortune to attend a week long retreat in Italy with six American entrepreneurs led by Pamela Haack. We participated in an intensive study of what made business women successful, particularly in Italy. After traveling through medieval villages and towns throughout the Tuscany and Umbria regions, it became clear that showing up with a generous heart, a passion for your craft and, above all, a gratitude and love for people were critical elements that allowed them to be successful.

Becoming a Warrior in the Job Market – What does that look like?

You gotta love when you hear about the job hunters of the world who drive that job search process.
I just received an email from a client who spent 20 years as an computer operator . . . up until her entire department got offshored to India. And, let’s not forget that she trained everyone before she was let go. While she took six months off after the layoff, Lin decided to invest in career counseling. This was a huge investment on her part, but she knew she could not figure out the next steps of her career just by talking with her family members and friends.

Making the Move in Tough Times – It’s Happening Every Day

Career transitions are tough. So many people want to do it. So many folks want to cross that bridge. But they are held back by fear and many times . . . by a lack of support by the naysayers of the world. I have to tell you that I am truly amazed when a client just does it. It doesn’t matter which occupation or career path you choose. Everyone has a gift and our number one job on the planet is to find out what that is.

What’s Going On?

A couple weeks ago, I heard Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia talking on WXPN radio about Marvin Gaye and how he recorded that infamous song What’s Going On almost forty years ago. The mayor also talked about how music soothes our soul. It got me thinking how this song “rocked” us and the music world back then. The fact is that Marvin Gaye was describing some of the exact same issues many people are dealing with today.