Becoming a Warrior in the Job Market – What does that look like?

You gotta love when you hear about the job hunters of the world who drive that job search process.
I just received an email from a client who spent 20 years as an computer operator . . . up until her entire department got offshored to India. And, let’s not forget that she trained everyone before she was let go. While she took six months off after the layoff, Lin decided to invest in career counseling. This was a huge investment on her part, but she knew she could not figure out the next steps of her career just by talking with her family members and friends.

I Got To The Interview Table, Now What?

She had been to five interviews at global companies. She was not only extremely attractive but she had a very charming personality along with a strong academic record. And yet, she had zero job offers.

I checked her LinkedIn page to see if she was up with the “times” and yep, there she was, photograph and all. This gal was a smart cookie. She had many distinct advantages, including nailing down an extra pharmaceutical sales credential while in her senior year. “Impressive,” I thought, “Very impressive.” It appeared she was doing everything right, so what was happening in her interviews that was sabotaging all her hard work?

There is A Place of Food and Plenty

North Dakota, Spurred by Energy and Ag Boom, Has 3.2 Percent Unemployment…can you imagine this?

Well, it’s no joke folks. I know that this is a far reach but as the market keeps getting tighter, does it make sense to pack up and seek work where there is an abundance? On July 1st, on the front page of, there was a stunning article about the growth of this far off state. They are actually begging for people to come out and work there.

Job Hunting While Employed – A Huge Undertaking

There is no question that it takes an extraordinary amount of effort to undertake a job search while employed. And, if your next move is not crystallized and what I mean by that is . . . you have complete clarity about what kind of position and industry you are seeking, it is even more daunting. With job seekers deluged with the workload of two or more people now, one needs to be super careful about hunting under the boss’s nose.

What I Love About Proactive Career Warriors

I have to tell you that last week was an eye opener.

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I have been driving home the point about all of us becoming the CEOs of our careers. Figuring out your developmental areas is the first step in working this plan. Secondly, when we start to take action . . . it’s our next step in getting closer to improving our situation – whatever “black” hole we’re in. You know that as soon as we begin to move that ball down the court, we are feeling SO much better.

Career Security – What Does That Really Mean?

If I remember anything from graduate school – way back in the day – it was this concept of career security.

So, I thought I would check out what would come up when I googled those words. Lo and behold, the words “job security” popped up. . . “Job security is when your job is secure and there is no chance of you ever losing your job.”