A Job Hunter’s Nightmare: When a Recruiter Crosses the Line
Can you imagine working with a recruiter on your seemingly confidential job search, and you find out your recruiter crossed the line?
When my client told me he was terminated from his job, I wondered why. He was an absolute star performer and had a track record of success that didn’t quit. In fact, he was actively being sought after by multiple companies.
Emotional Anorexia: Are You Starving Yourself While Striving Towards Your Career Goals?
I don’t know whether you agree, but I think there is always a cost to leveraging your career in the workplace. I’m talking about the emotional, physical, spiritual, or just plain psychological toll that we pay when we push to achieve our career goals and delay gratification in other areas of our lives.
When Your Career Is in a Downward Spiral, Remember That Nothing Is in Stone
I get knots in my stomach when I hear about how twisted this job market is becoming. Frankly, the stories are never ending. From nurses at Penn who are completely skilled in their profession but have new educational mandates to complete by a certain date (or else!), to recent college graduates who are overwrought with confusion about what to do next, to baby boomers who are pressured to take severance packages before the ax hits, it’s no wonder that we’re all losing it.
Wasted Talent: Are You Working for the Right Company?
Wasted Talent. Sadly, I see it every day in the business I’m in.
When I hear about how troubling the workplace has become, and specifically the toxic cultures and environments some people work in, I get knots in my stomach. As a resume writer and career counselor, I often find myself serving as a trusted confidante and advisor. Many times that translates to hearing the dirty secrets about the abhorrent lack of leadership, the narcissistic, egomaniac supervisor, and inept managerial incompetence in the workplace.
Radical Career Changes – Where Do You Begin?
It seems like everywhere you look, people are thinking and talking about making career changes. They’re unfulfilled in their job or don’t get along with either their boss or their toxic co-workers. Or, even worse, the company leadership is so darn weak or even non-existent that they are going nowhere in their careers. What does it take to make a radical career change today and how do you begin what may seem like a daunting process?
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