Making Your Next Career Move: How Do You Know When the Time Is Right?

Making Your Next Career Move: How Do You Know When the Time Is Right?

I encounter clients every day who absolutely know when the time is right for them to make a career move. They are the folks who call me and sign right up for resume writing services. In today’s economic climate, changing jobs can be a scary proposition, so I admire those folks with the guts to go full speed ahead and plunge into finding a better way of life for themselves. But there are many others who stand still, paralyzed by fear but stuck in a job that does not make them happy.

A Job Hunter’s Nightmare: When a Recruiter Crosses the Line

A Job Hunter’s Nightmare: When a Recruiter Crosses the Line

Can you imagine working with a recruiter on your seemingly confidential job search, and you find out your recruiter crossed the line?

When my client told me he was terminated from his job, I wondered why. He was an absolute star performer and had a track record of success that didn’t quit. In fact, he was actively being sought after by multiple companies.