5 Benefits of Hiring a Career Counselor
5 Benefits of Hiring a Career Counselor Choosing a career can be a daunting task, and with so many options available it can be difficult to know where to start, and this is where a career counselor can help. A career counselor is a trained professional who can assist...Work Would Be Great If It Weren’t For the People – Is It Them or Me?
Work Would Be Great If It Weren’t For the People – Is It Them or Me? I cannot begin to tell you how many clients have hired me thinking that they need to completely change their careers. In most cases, it isn’t their given occupation. It isn’t that they are...Making Your Next Career Move: How Do You Know When the Time Is Right?
I encounter clients every day who absolutely know when the time is right for them to make a career move. They are the folks who call me and sign right up for resume writing services. In today’s economic climate, changing jobs can be a scary proposition, so I admire those folks with the guts to go full speed ahead and plunge into finding a better way of life for themselves. But there are many others who stand still, paralyzed by fear but stuck in a job that does not make them happy.
A Job Hunter’s Nightmare: When a Recruiter Crosses the Line
Can you imagine working with a recruiter on your seemingly confidential job search, and you find out your recruiter crossed the line?
When my client told me he was terminated from his job, I wondered why. He was an absolute star performer and had a track record of success that didn’t quit. In fact, he was actively being sought after by multiple companies.
Emotional Anorexia: Are You Starving Yourself While Striving Towards Your Career Goals?
I don’t know whether you agree, but I think there is always a cost to leveraging your career in the workplace. I’m talking about the emotional, physical, spiritual, or just plain psychological toll that we pay when we push to achieve our career goals and delay gratification in other areas of our lives.
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