Recession-Proof-Metro Areas

I’ve been hearing about many unemployed people who are willing to uproot their lives and are actually moving out of state. If you are intrigued about where people are headed or if you are thinking that might be the solution for you, take a look at Jobbait’s list of the top seven metro areas around the country that are recession proof. There is even a list of 230 recession proof industry sectors. While you’re checking the list out, you might want to sign up for JobBait newsletters ( to keep your finger on the heartbeat of the up and coming trends . . . all calculated according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The World of Socialnomics-Social Media is Not A Fad

To: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y, Z and Entrepreneurs Sitting on the Fence

From: Mindy Thomas

Subject: Social Media Is Not A Fad

If you are still sitting on the bleachers and not getting into the game (you won’t sign up for LinkedIn, Facebook or any other social media) OR you are “wanna be” entrepreneur, indulge me for 5 minutes by checking out this Youtube video.

One Resume Is All I Need, Right?

Skill sets required for most positions are different. And, with that in mind, it makes sense that your keywords and competencies need to reflect this. The smart job hunters know this and will alter their resume to include these words or phrases. It is critical since scanners are doing the heavy load of sorting through thousands of resumes that are entering the systems everyday. So many job hunters will never . . . and I mean never make it to the table because they refuse to adjust their resume. No one said this would be easy. Even if you have the proper credentials, job experience and education . . . you may never get to the table because the scanners will not pick ‘you’ up. Automated Tracking Systems are in full force, so let’s quit kidding ourselves on this point.

College Degrees – Are They Really Worth It Now?

When I read the recent Time Magazine article that my 22 year son sent me last night, I was completely shocked. Frankly, he was too. After all, we’ve been conditioned to think that to get anywhere professionally, we need to at least obtain a college degree. With more than 85% of college students moving home after graduation and no real hope. . . Well, you gotta wonder.